
Child Origin
DNA Test
Islamic Law
Positive Law


Marriage is seen as a sacred event and a significant
milestone in human life, and religious components are
crucial to its continuation. Marriage Law Number 1 of
1974 takes into account interfaith unions. But because
their original dads frequently do not accept them,
illegitimate children can cause issues in society with
relation to accountability, such as who is responsible
for providing for the children's financial support, care,
and education. In this research of legal ramifications
and determining a child's origin without using a DNA
test are examined. The study adopts a normative legal
approach. The study's findings indicate that Article 43
Paragraph 1 of the Constitution regulates the
requirements of life and defines what is meant by a
child born outside of wedlock as having a legal status
that is limited to a civil relationship with the mother
and her family. Legally speaking, children's financial
and material well-being is the responsibility of their
mother and her family. However, as noted in the
Constitutional Court Decision No. 40/PPU-VIII/2010,
biological fathers are also legally required to take
care of, raise, and care for children born outside of
marriage if they do not accept the child's status


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The author has full rights to the articles that has been sent to Ahkam: Jurnal Hukum Islam. The author is responsible for the originality of the articles and all the references used in the journal script.


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