About the Journal



ISSN : 2581-0472 (Online) | 2581-2076 (Cetak)
DOI Prefix : Prefix 10.21274 by Crossref
Editor in Chief : Khabibur Rohman
Publisher : Center for Gender and Child Studies (Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak) LP2M, UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
Frequency : Semi-Annual (June and December Edition)
Citation Analysis : Sinta | Crossref | Garuda | MorarefNelitiDimension | Base | Google Schoolar

Martabat: Jurnal Perempuan dan Anak is published by the Center for Gender and Child Studies (Pusat Studi Gender dan Anak) LP2M, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Tulungagung. Launched in 2017, the journal has been issued two times a year every July and December. Martabat: Jurnal Perempuan dan Anak invites scholarly articles on gender and child studies from multiple disciplines and perspectives, including religion, education, psychology, law, social studies, etc. Martabat presents a critical reflection on the theory and practice of feminism and children in various contexts. The articles that publish must have authenticity and should be in line with editorial views. Martabat: Jurnal Perempuan dan Anak has been accredited based on the Ministry Decree by the Directorate General of Research Strengthening and Development No. 30/E/KPT/2019, dated November 12, 2019, valid for 5 years.

ISSN 2581-2076 (print version) 2581-0472 (elektronik/online version)