Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Nabi Yusuf

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Arifin, M. (2016). Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Nabi Yusuf. Ta’allum: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 4(2), 235-254.


The characteristics of the Prophet Yusuf leadership among other things: 1) A leader of professional, honest and provide exemplary; 2) Have the ability and high intelligence and wisdom; 3) The leader of a fair; 4) Thorough leader and mandate; 5) Leaders are consistent; 6) Ability to work hard to create a climate of tolerance; 7) Be confident (optimistic). The concept of leadership is understandable based on the story of Prophet Yusuf, a proactive leader, and have a clear objective of improving the welfare of its people. Yusuf is a multi social leader, knows no ethnic differences, so keep nurturing it all.
Keywords: Educational, Leadership of The Prophet Yusuf.


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