Author Guidelines

Jurnal Tadris Matematika (JTM) is a scientific publication in mathematics education and learning including: (1) mathematical thinking process, (2) mathematics models, media, and teaching materials development, (3) pedagogical content knowledge, (4) mathematics theoretical study and learning practice, (5) mathematics learning evaluation, and (6) the integration of mathematics and Islamic value. The accepted manuscripts are the papers written as study or research results that previously have never been published.

Writing instructions

  1. Authors are responsible for the content of the manuscripts. Correspondence regarding the manuscripts will be addressed to the authors by mentioning the institution, institution address, and authors’ email addresses;
  2. The manuscripts will be assessed based on 3 components, including the content authenticity, originality degree, content relevance and suitability to the journal mission;
  3. The manuscript title must be concisely written, but informative enough to describe the text content;
  4. The manuscript can be written either in Indonesian or in English. The length of the manuscript should be between 2500 and 6000 words using Microsoft Word program (.doc or .docx) in A4 sized paper. Each page should be numbered. The pages should also use mirror margin including top, bottom, outside 2.5 cm, and inside 3 cm. The line spacing generally for the manuscript is 1.5 except for the abstract and the references list that uses 1.0 line spacing. Times New Roman should be used as the Font sized 11pt except for the abstract which should be sized 10 and the title that should be capitalized in font size 14pt. To simplify the work, we recommend using the provided template. File transfer can be conducted via online to;
  5. The written manuscript should include the abstract both in Indonesian and in English having 150 to 200 number of words. The keywords should be chosen wisely to describe the article content between 3 to 5 words.
  6. The article structure includes (a) title, (b) authors name (without academic degree), affiliation, and email, (c) abstract, (d) keywords, (e) introduction (background and library support ends with article goal or scope), (f) method, (g) main discussion, (h) conclusion, (i) references (contained only referenced sources), and (j) attachments (if any).
  7. Subsection is written with different font without numbering: (a) First Subsection (Capitalize Each Word, Bold, Align Left); (b) Second Subsection (Capitalize Each Word, Italic-Bold, Align Left); (c) Third Subsection (Capitalize Each Word, Align Left); (d) Fourth Subsection (Capitalize Each Word, Italic, Align Left);
  8. References should include literatures published in the last 10 years and 20 or more references. The newer the better. Primary sources such as research report or scientific articles in journals/proceedings and/or scientific magazine are preferred references (>80%).
  9. References or citations use middle-note reference technique based on APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition. To keep the consistency of referencing, citation and the reference list should use Mendeley Reference Manager application.
  10. All manuscripts will be reviewed anonymously by the appointed expert editor (reviewer) based on his/her expertise. Article authors will be given the opportunity to improve their manuscript based on the recommendation from reviewer or editor.
  11. The unaccepted manuscript will be archived by the administrator.