
Global Jihad
Ayman al-Zawahiri

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Asrori, S., & Bakhtiar, A. (2022). ARTICULATING TAKFIR. Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman, 16(02), 167-187.


Takfir is an ideology of excommunicating fellow Muslims because of having different beliefs or expressing a different point of view. This article deals with the development of the takfir doctrine which separates some groups not only based on theological aspects but also on socio-political aspects, such as justifying the democratic system or collaborating with enemies of Islam. It particularly addresses the question of how Ayman al-Zawahiri globalized the takfir doctrine as a campaign against secularism, capitalism, human rights, and environmental crisis, in order to invite local jihadist groups to fight together in a global sphere.


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