KAFIRNYA FILSUF MUSLIM: Ibn Rusyd Meluruskan al-Ghazali

How to Cite

Ridwan, M. (2016). KAFIRNYA FILSUF MUSLIM: Ibn Rusyd Meluruskan al-Ghazali. Kontemplasi: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin, 4(1), 165-178. https://doi.org/10.21274/kontem.2016.4.1.165-178


Ibn Rusyd is seen figure renewal and generating Aristotle philosophy that has long been buried or torpor. Among his famous works is about criticism of al-Ghazali thought about keqadiman nature, knowledge of God and theresurrection of man. Ibn Rusyd argued about the views of the philosophersof the latter. Al-Ghazali accusations against the philosophers is not truebut just different points of view are made as if the philosophers have deviated from monotheism even considered infidels.

Keywords: Ibn Rusyd, al-Ghazali, critics


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