Improving Self-Awareness Through Islamic Education: its Implication on Life Detecting Good Awareness Impacts a Good Lifestyle an Analysis of Literature Study


awareness; Islamic education; the world; the hereafter

How to Cite

Jailani, M., & Risma Mega Utami, R. M. U. (2024). Improving Self-Awareness Through Islamic Education: its Implication on Life Detecting Good Awareness Impacts a Good Lifestyle an Analysis of Literature Study. Kontemplasi: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin, 11(2), 171-192.


Self-awareness is something that distinguishes it from other creatures. In Islamic Education, self-awareness is self-reflection. Awareness can change life into the latest version through the sensitivity of the heart to know the values of events in his life. Every human being has a different level of consciousness. There are still many Muslims who abandon the obligation to worship including a lack of self-awareness of their responsibilities as Muslims or Muslim women. The word awareness looks trivial to some people who do not understand the importance of the awareness that exists within. If you are able to contemplate it, there will be a lot of awareness that comes to mind about what is the purpose of human life in the world. This journal aims to increase the awareness of every Muslim towards a rational (reasonable) life in order to build self-existence and achieve the grace of Allah SWT. So that Islamic education does not only aim to produce knowledgeable human beings, but also faithful and civilized. Islamic education will always influence every individual to make a person who is always aware in the future. The world is the best charity field to achieve happiness in the hereafter, so the level of awareness is very important for it self.


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Aripudin, A., Rahman, M. T., Burhanudin, D., Anwar, S., Salman, I., & Pinem, M. (2022). The spiritual experience of Chinese Muslim minorities post-1998 reformation: A study of Chinese Muslims becoming Indonesians. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 78(4), 1–8. doi: 10.4102/hts.v78i4.7648
Boon, G., Teoh, S., Wei, A., Liau, L., Boon, G., Teoh, S. A. I., Wei, A., & Liau, L. I. N. (2021). Emotional Intelligence in Distance Learning : A case study of English as a second language via distance learning. National Research University Higher School of Economics Journal of Language & Education, 7(3), 151–165.
Bustam, B. M. R. (2013). Pengalaman Perempuan dan Urgensinya di dalam Karya Sastra Studi Kritik Sastra Feminis Terhadap Novel Kontemporer. Alfaz, 53(9), 1689–1699.
Frahanah, N. (2016). Problematika Waiting List Dalam Penyelenggaraan Ibadah Haji Di Indonesia. Jurnal Studi Agama Dan Masyarakat, 12(1), 57–80.
Hastasari, C., Setiawan, B., & Aw, S. (2022). Students’ communication patterns of islamic boarding schools: the case of Students in Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Heliyon, 8(1), e08824. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e08824
Hefni, W. (2022). Pengarusutamaan Moderasi Beragama Generasi Milenial melalui Gerakan Siswa Moderat di Kabupaten Lumajang. Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, Dan Tradisi), 08(2), 163–175.
Inayatillah, Kamaruddin, & Anzaikhan, M. (2022). The History of Moderate Islam in Indonesia and Its Influence on the Content of National Education. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 17(2), 213–226. doi: 10.22452/JAT.vol17no2.17
Jailani, M., & Suyadi. (2022). The Impact of Neuroscience-Based Modern Islalamic Educatioan on the Aspect of Creative Imagination and Development of Religious Moderation on Madura Island. Islam Transformatif, 6(2).
Kadri. (2022). Religion and Tourism: Promoting Inclusive Islam in Lombok Island, Indonesia. Studia Islamika Indonesian Journal for Islamic Studies, 29(2), 333–354.
Latief, H. (2022). The Masyumi Networks and the Proliferation of Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia (1945–1965). Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 178(4), 477–502. doi: 10.1163/22134379-bja10043
Madjid, A., Latief, H., & Fauzan, A. (2022). Honoring the Saint through Poetry Recitation: Pilgrimage and the Memories of Shaikh Abdurrahman Siddiq Al-Banjari in Indragiri Hilir. Religions, 13(3). doi: 10.3390/rel13030261
Mahnun, N. (2018). Implementasi Pembelajaran Online dan Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Berbasis Online di Perguruan Tinggi Islam Dalam Mewujudkan World Class University. IJIEM: Kajian Teori Dan Hasil Penelitian Pendidikan, 1, 31.
Ninin, R. H. (1970). Diri Religius: Suatu Perspektif Psikologi Terhadap Kepribadian Akhlaqul Karimah. Psikis : Jurnal Psikologi Islami, 5(1), 1–12. doi: 10.19109/psikis.v5i1.2041
Prasojo, Z. H., Sahrin, M., & Fauzi, A. (2020). Religious Identity in the Use of Social Media Within Pontianak Muslim Community Introduction The development of information and communication technology in modern society is a necessity . Various facilities are available along with the development of tech. Karsa: Journal of Sosial and Islamic Culture, 28(1), 32–56. doi: 10.19105/karsa.v27i1.1921
Putra, A. F. M., & Suyadi, S. (2022). The Concept of Neuroscience-Based Inclusive Islamic Education for Millennial Generation: A Literature Review. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 10(1), 41. doi: 10.36667/jppi.v10i1.933
Putra, I. K. T. E. (2020). Pola Konsumsi Beras Organik Berkelanjutan Berdasarkan Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal: Kajian Pustaka. Journal Sains Sosio Humaniora, 21(1), 1–9.
Rohman, F. (2022). Problem Based Learning in Islamic Religious Education: The Case of the Indonesian Pesantren. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 12(1), 82–97. doi: 10.7187/GJAT072022-5
Saefudin, A., & Widyawati, A. (2019). Pola Asuh Inklusif Keluarga Seagama dan Beda Agama: Sebuah Model Pendidikan Toleransi Di Desa Bondo Jepara. NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial Dan Keagamaan Islam, 16(2), 123. doi: 10.19105/nuansa.v16i2.2534
Saibah, & Suyadi. (2020). Constructivism Of Neurosains-Based in Building The Qur’ani Character Of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman Students. Edukasi, 8(1), 85–95.
Strout, S. (2023). Mystagogical Preaching as a Distinctively Theological Event. Studia Liturgica, 00393207221149163. doi: 10.1177/00393207221149163
Sugiyono. (2017). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D (1st ed.). Bandung: Alfabeta.
Susiawati, I., & Mardani, D. (2022). Learning Arabic Language Skills for Adults (Jack C. Richard Thought Review). Alibbaa’: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 3(2), 103–123. Retrieved from
Suyadi, Nuryana, Z., Sutrisno, & Baidi. (2022). Academic reform and sustainability of Islamic higher education in Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Development, 89, 102534. doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102534
Syarif, Z., A. Mughni, S., & Hannan, A. (2020). Post-truth and Islamophobia narration in the contemporary Indonesian political constellation. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 10(2), 199–225. doi: 10.18326/ijims.v10i2.199-225
Syatori, A. (2018). Lingkaran Spritual dalam Bedah Relasi Murshid dan Murid. Jurnal Putih, III, 59–97.
Tupan, J., Lattu, I. Y. M., & Therik, W. M. A. (2022). Spiritual Intelligence As the Politics of Multiculturalism Among Javanese Muslim Migrants in Maluku. Journal of Indonesian Islam, 16(1), 1–26. doi: 10.15642/JIIS.2022.16.1.1-26

Arifin, S. (2022). Role of Positive Emotions in Islamic Education Learning of Neurosycal Perspective. 11(1), 26–34.
Aripudin, A., Rahman, M. T., Burhanudin, D., Anwar, S., Salman, I., & Pinem, M. (2022). The spiritual experience of Chinese Muslim minorities post-1998 reformation: A study of Chinese Muslims becoming Indonesians. HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 78(4), 1–8. doi: 10.4102/hts.v78i4.7648
Boon, G., Teoh, S., Wei, A., Liau, L., Boon, G., Teoh, S. A. I., Wei, A., & Liau, L. I. N. (2021). Emotional Intelligence in Distance Learning : A case study of English as a second language via distance learning. National Research University Higher School of Economics Journal of Language & Education, 7(3), 151–165.
Bustam, B. M. R. (2013). Pengalaman Perempuan dan Urgensinya di dalam Karya Sastra Studi Kritik Sastra Feminis Terhadap Novel Kontemporer. Alfaz, 53(9), 1689–1699.
Frahanah, N. (2016). Problematika Waiting List Dalam Penyelenggaraan Ibadah Haji Di Indonesia. Jurnal Studi Agama Dan Masyarakat, 12(1), 57–80.
Hastasari, C., Setiawan, B., & Aw, S. (2022). Students’ communication patterns of islamic boarding schools: the case of Students in Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Heliyon, 8(1), e08824. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e08824
Hefni, W. (2022). Pengarusutamaan Moderasi Beragama Generasi Milenial melalui Gerakan Siswa Moderat di Kabupaten Lumajang. Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, Dan Tradisi), 08(2), 163–175.
Inayatillah, Kamaruddin, & Anzaikhan, M. (2022). The History of Moderate Islam in Indonesia and Its Influence on the Content of National Education. Journal of Al-Tamaddun, 17(2), 213–226. doi: 10.22452/JAT.vol17no2.17
Jailani, M., & Suyadi. (2022). The Impact of Neuroscience-Based Modern Islalamic Educatioan on the Aspect of Creative Imagination and Development of Religious Moderation on Madura Island. Islam Transformatif, 6(2).
Kadri. (2022). Religion and Tourism: Promoting Inclusive Islam in Lombok Island, Indonesia. Studia Islamika Indonesian Journal for Islamic Studies, 29(2), 333–354.
Latief, H. (2022). The Masyumi Networks and the Proliferation of Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia (1945–1965). Bijdragen Tot de Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 178(4), 477–502. doi: 10.1163/22134379-bja10043
Madjid, A., Latief, H., & Fauzan, A. (2022). Honoring the Saint through Poetry Recitation: Pilgrimage and the Memories of Shaikh Abdurrahman Siddiq Al-Banjari in Indragiri Hilir. Religions, 13(3). doi: 10.3390/rel13030261
Mahnun, N. (2018). Implementasi Pembelajaran Online dan Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Berbasis Online di Perguruan Tinggi Islam Dalam Mewujudkan World Class University. IJIEM: Kajian Teori Dan Hasil Penelitian Pendidikan, 1, 31.
Ninin, R. H. (1970). Diri Religius: Suatu Perspektif Psikologi Terhadap Kepribadian Akhlaqul Karimah. Psikis : Jurnal Psikologi Islami, 5(1), 1–12. doi: 10.19109/psikis.v5i1.2041
Prasojo, Z. H., Sahrin, M., & Fauzi, A. (2020). Religious Identity in the Use of Social Media Within Pontianak Muslim Community Introduction The development of information and communication technology in modern society is a necessity . Various facilities are available along with the development of tech. Karsa: Journal of Sosial and Islamic Culture, 28(1), 32–56. doi: 10.19105/karsa.v27i1.1921
Putra, A. F. M., & Suyadi, S. (2022). The Concept of Neuroscience-Based Inclusive Islamic Education for Millennial Generation: A Literature Review. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 10(1), 41. doi: 10.36667/jppi.v10i1.933
Putra, I. K. T. E. (2020). Pola Konsumsi Beras Organik Berkelanjutan Berdasarkan Nilai-Nilai Kearifan Lokal: Kajian Pustaka. Journal Sains Sosio Humaniora, 21(1), 1–9.
Rohman, F. (2022). Problem Based Learning in Islamic Religious Education: The Case of the Indonesian Pesantren. Global Journal Al-Thaqafah, 12(1), 82–97. doi: 10.7187/GJAT072022-5
Saefudin, A., & Widyawati, A. (2019). Pola Asuh Inklusif Keluarga Seagama dan Beda Agama: Sebuah Model Pendidikan Toleransi Di Desa Bondo Jepara. NUANSA: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Sosial Dan Keagamaan Islam, 16(2), 123. doi: 10.19105/nuansa.v16i2.2534
Saibah, & Suyadi. (2020). Constructivism Of Neurosains-Based in Building The Qur’ani Character Of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman Students. Edukasi, 8(1), 85–95.
Strout, S. (2023). Mystagogical Preaching as a Distinctively Theological Event. Studia Liturgica, 00393207221149163. doi: 10.1177/00393207221149163
Sugiyono. (2017). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D (1st ed.). Bandung: Alfabeta.
Susiawati, I., & Mardani, D. (2022). Learning Arabic Language Skills for Adults (Jack C. Richard Thought Review). Alibbaa’: Jurnal Pendidikan …, 3(2), 103–123. Retrieved from
Suyadi, Nuryana, Z., Sutrisno, & Baidi. (2022). Academic reform and sustainability of Islamic higher education in Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Development, 89, 102534. doi: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2021.102534
Syarif, Z., A. Mughni, S., & Hannan, A. (2020). Post-truth and Islamophobia narration in the contemporary Indonesian political constellation. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, 10(2), 199–225. doi: 10.18326/ijims.v10i2.199-225
Syatori, A. (2018). Lingkaran Spritual dalam Bedah Relasi Murshid dan Murid. Jurnal Putih, III, 59–97.
Tupan, J., Lattu, I. Y. M., & Therik, W. M. A. (2022). Spiritual Intelligence As the Politics of Multiculturalism Among Javanese Muslim Migrants in Maluku. Journal of Indonesian Islam, 16(1), 1–26. doi: 10.15642/JIIS.2022.16.1.1-26

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