
componential analysis

How to Cite

Sumanto, O., & Ningrum, A. (2023). ‘TO CUT’ VERB AND ITS HYPONYMS IN COOKING: A COMPONENTIAL ANALYSIS. Jurnal Bahasa Lingua Scientia, 15(2), 227-249. https://doi.org/10.21274/ls.2023.15.2.227-249


In the context of cookery, the article investigates the contrasts between the verb "to cut" and its associated words. The research identifies at least 22 different "to cut" verbs and associated phrases, as well as extensive descriptions of their meanings and variances. Nida's componential analysis method was employed in this study, which is a qualitative descriptive method that collects data using dictionaries and glossaries. According to the research findings, there are significant differences in meaning between the various cutting verbs, which can be attributed to factors such as the purpose of the action, the tools used, the tool's position, the object being cut, the size and shape of the result, and the thickness of the cutting result. The study also discovered that while the term "to chop" is the most widely used verb when discussing a cutting action, it lacks any distinguishing properties when compared to other cutting verbs that may be employed instead.



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