Thinking Process of Secondary Level Students in Constructing Proof by Mathematical Induction in Terms of Their Attitude toward Mathematics
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Mathematical Induction
Thinking Process
Attitude toward Mathematics

How to Cite

Laili, N., & Siswono, T. (2021). Thinking Process of Secondary Level Students in Constructing Proof by Mathematical Induction in Terms of Their Attitude toward Mathematics. Jurnal Tadris Matematika, 4(1), 121-138.


This research aims to describe secondary-level students' thinking processes in terms of their attitude toward mathematics in constructing proof by mathematical induction. This qualitative research involved two students who were selected from 30 students of  second grade of senior high school that categorized into two groups, namely the students who have a positive and negative attitude toward mathematics by using Attitude Toward Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) questionnaire. One student from each category was selected to be given a proving test and interviewed. Students’ process of proving test and interview recording were collected and analyzed to identify their thinking process. This research points out that both students who have positive and negative attitudes towards mathematics can recall the information in their memory regarding the characteristics and steps to prove using mathematical induction. However, the student who has negative attitudes towards mathematics tends to experience some difficulties in processing information, especially in the induction step, caused by panic, depression, and insecurity. The student who has a positive attitude towards mathematics also experiences some difficulties in the proving process, namely understanding what to prove and compiling the induction steps. However, she keeps trying and believes that she would be able to solve it. Hence, she can solve the proof completely.
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