E-Journal UIN SATU Tulungagung


Al-Tadris: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab

ISSN : 2549-855X (Online) | 2303-2871(Print)
DOI Prefix : Prefix 10.21274 by Crossref
Editor in Chief : Muhamad Mustofa Ludfi
Publisher : Faculty of Education and Teachers Training of UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
Frequency : 2 issues per year
Citation Analysis : Sinta| Google Scholar | Cossref | Moraref


Al-Tadris: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab is an OJS-based language journal (Open Journal System) containing of high quality articles published by the Arabic Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung in June and December each year. Al-Tadris: Journal Of Arabic Education which has a printed ISSN 2303-2871 and an online ISSN 2549-855X contains an analytical-critical study of Arabic education.


MARDIBASA: Jurnal Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

ISSN : 2747-2701 (Online) 2774-485X (Print)
DOI Prefix : Prefix 10.21274 by Crossref
Editor in Chief : Rahmawati Mulyaningtyas, M.Pd.
Publisher : SATU Press Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
Frequency : 2 kali per tahun (Juni dan Desember)
Citation Analysis :


Journal of Islamic Tourism Halal Food Islamic Traveling and Creative Economy

ISSN : 2776-7434 (Online)
DOI Prefix : 10.21274 by Crossref
Editor in Chief : Dr. H. Dede Nurohman, M.Ag.
Publisher : Faculty of Islamic Economic and Business of Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
Frequency : Semi-Annual (May and November Edition)
Type : Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal
Citation Analysis :  


Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam

Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Ilmu Sosial Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (SOSEBI)

ISSN : 2808-7089 (Online)
DOI Prefix : 10.21274 by Crossref
Pimpinan Redaksi : Muhammad Alhada Fuadilah Habib, S.Sosio., M.A.
Penerbit : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
Frekuensi : Dua Kali Setahun (Edisi Juni dan Desember)
Tipe : Jurnal Akses Terbuka, dan Artikel yang Terbit Melalui Proses Peninjauan
Pengindeks :


Kerigan: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

ISSN : -
Awalan DOI : 10.21274 by Crossref
Pemimpin Redaksi : Muhammad Muntahibun Nafis
Penerbit : LP2M, UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung  
frekuensi : 2 masalah per tahun
Analisis Kutipan : -


Legacy: Jurnal Hukum dan Perundang-Undangan

ISSN :  -
DOI Prefix : 10.21274 by Crossref
Editor in Chief :  Ahmad Gelora Mahardika
Publisher : Department of Constitutional Law IAIN Tulungagung
Frequency :  Semi-Annual (March and September Edition)
Type :  Perr-reviewed
Citation Analysis :  Crozzref Moraref Google Scholar


sampul jess vol 2


ISSN : 2809-3763
DOI Prefix : 10.21274 by Crossref
Editor in Chief : Hendra Pratama
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
Frequency : Semi-Annual (June and December Edition)
Type : Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal
Citation Analysis : Google Cendekia, Moraref, Crossref


Juornal of Economics and Policy Studies

ISSN : 2775-7897 (online)



DOI Prefix : 10.21274 by Crossref
Editor in Chief : Qomarul Huda
Publisher : UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
Frequency : two issues per years  (July and December)
Citation Analysis :

Moraref, Google Scholar


POLIMER: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia

POLIMER: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran (e-ISSN:-; p-ISSN:-) is published by UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung. The publishing frequency of the journal is two issues per year (June and December) and it welcomes articles (in English) in the area of chemistry education including research results, review or short communication, conceptual ideas in chemistry education, and others in-depth analysis of relevant issues in chemistry education disciplines. POLIMER also accommodate paper about application of chemistry education, chemical analysis, and ICT-based chemistry learning media.

Maneggio: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan

ISSN :  
Awalan DOI : Awalan 10.21274 oleh Crossref
Pemimpin Redaksi : Siti Khoirun Nisak
Penerbit : Fakultas Pendidikan dan Keguruan (FTIK), UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung  
frekuensi : Quarter-Annual (Maret, June, September and December edition)
Analisis Kutipan : Sinta | Google Cendekia | Garuda | Lebih lanjut