
English teaching

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Mubarok, V., & Shofiya, A. (2023). EFL STUDENTS’ DEMOTIVATION: A PORTRAIT OF TEACHING ENGLISH IN AN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL. Jurnal Bahasa Lingua Scientia, 15(2), 441-457. https://doi.org/10.21274/ls.2023.15.2.441-457


In an English language learning it demands the students to understand vocabulary, grammar, and several language skills. Consequently, the students must have sufficient motivation to concentrate in English class. If not, demotivation emerges and becomes a factor of unsuccessful learning. In relation to demotivation, this research investigates: [1] the factors contributing to the demotivation among students at the Islamic Boarding School of Tremas Pacitan in learning English and [2] the strategies used by students at the Islamic Boarding School of Tremas Pacitan to minimize demotivation in learning English. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects of the research were 8B students of the Islamic Boarding School of Tremas Pacitan. The data were collected by conducting observation and doing an interview. The findings revealed that the factors causing learning demotivation that were divided into intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors had found personal belief and students’ boredom, while extrinsic factors such as teaching methods; classroom conditions; and less adequate facilities. Knowing that, extrinsic factors are more arisen than intrinsic factors. Moreover, students’ strategies to minimize learning demotivation were such as self-studying; asking friends for help; and ignoring their humiliating classmates. It is recommended that English teachers need to improve learning methods and facilities that support learning English.



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