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    Dr. Miftahul Ulum, M.S.I., M.Sy., M.H.
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    Adhitia Pahlawan Putra, M. Par.
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    Ghifari Yuristiadhi Masyhari Makhasi, S.S., M.A., M.M., CHE.
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    Eri Widiyanto, S. Pd., M. Sc.
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    Nonny Aji Sunaryo, S.Pd., M.Par
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    Pusparani SST.Par, M.Si. Par
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    Novianto Edi Suharno, SST Par., M.Si
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    M. Yaser Arafat, M.A.
    • Sinta ID : -
    • Google Schoolar : 1AkBYZcAAAAJ
    • Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
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    Uswatun Nafi'ah, M. M
    • Sinta ID : 6774504
    • Google Schoolar : fNPnmYAAAAAJ
    • Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
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    Kanita Khoirun Nisa

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